Monday, November 17, 2014

1,557 people voted for David Shebib

Here is a table of how well he did in all 13 municipalities

Municipality  Pct  Vote  Rank
Langford    12.98%  556   2/2
Highlands    8.05%   42   2/2
Colwood      3.33%   94   3/3
Metchosin    2.51%   39   3/3
Cent Saanich 1.80%   91   3/3
Saanich      1.63%  482   3/3
Oak Bay      1.47%  102   3/3
Sooke        0.65%   26   3/3
Esquimalt    0.57%   25   3/3
Nth Saanich  0.48%   23   4/4
Sidney       0.39%   15   5/5
Victoria     0.25%   62   7/8
TOTAL             1,557

The fact the David Shebib managed to get almost 13% of the vote and over 500 votes in Langford says to me there is a discontent with the current mayor.  The very fact that close to 13% would be willing to vote for a clearly off the wall and not serious candidate says something about what people thing of Stew Young

The two municipalities where David Shebib did the worst were the ones where there were four serious candidates.

With 1,557 votes overall in the CRD David Shebib got more votes than  a number of the people elected as mayor

Ken Williams    Highlands      480
Steve Price     Sidney       1,312
Joihn Ranns     Metchosin    1,334
David Screech   View Royal   1,336
Carol Hamilton  Colwood      2,368
Alice Finall    Nth Saanich  2,416
Maja Tait       Sooke        2,527
Ryan Windsor    Cent Saanich 2,998
Barb Desjardins Esquimalt    3,180
Nils Jensen     Oak Bay      3,640
Stew Young      Langford     3,727
Lisa Helps      Victoria     9,200
Richard Atwell  Saanich     14,178

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