Thursday, November 20, 2014

Core Area Liquid Waste Management Committee changes

The committee is made of the 15 CRD directors that come from the seven municipalities that are part of the Core Area Liquid Waste Management Plan.    With the recent election there are four changes to the committee, possibly five if the new CRD chair is not already on the committee.

Members of the Core Area Liquid Waste Management Committee before and after the recent election
Those in red were most firmly opposed to the old plan

  • Alto, Marianne
  • Blackwell, Denise
  • Brice, Susan
  • Brownoff, Judy
  • Bryson, Alastair he was on the committee as Chair of the CRD
  • Derman, Vic
  • Desjardins, Barbara
  • Fortin, Dean now Lisa Helps
  • Hamilton, Carol
  • Hill, Graham now David Screech
  • Isitt, Ben
  • Jensen, Nils dejure, John Herbert defacto
  • Leonard, Frank (defacto Vicki Sanders) now Richard Atwell
  • Seaton, Lanny
  • Wergeland, Leif now Colin Plant
  • Young, Geoff

Assuming all the new members of the CALWMC are opposed to the concept of the old plan, you still have a majority on the committee that supported the old plan.  The old plan is dead it seems, but the people that supported it are still in power.

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