Thursday, November 06, 2014

Jeremy Loveday Makes My List

This afternoon I had a really informative meeting with Jeremy Loveday. Long story short, this impressive young man will be getting my vote (added to My Picks for Victoria City Council 2014).

Loveday clearly has a passion for this city and making it a better community. But more than that he already has a notebook full of micro-issues that need attention which he gained from the hard work of door-knocking around the city. He showed a passion for and understanding of the big infrastructure issues but when he speaks just as passionately about fixing potholes or getting a light installed at a crosswalk I know I have found a councilor I can support.

One area not being spoken about in this election is support for the arts. Understandable in a time of huge infrastructure issues it is not on people's minds but Loveday clearly has an intimate knowledge of the needs of the arts community. As an organizer (spoken word poetry is his thing) he understands the logistics and management needed to produce a successful event. What was even better was when he combined this with the practical reality of vacant commercial properties downtown and suggested an opportunity that the city could facilitate: short-term leases for artists in vacant storefronts. As he said to me, if Mayoral candidates can do it for the campaign why can't artists set-up pop-ups for Christmas?

As a friend of Ben Isitt Loveday has certainly been inspired and mentored in this run for councilor. I clearly saw the affection and respect he has for the incumbent councilor but just as clearly I see that they are not joined at the hip. Collaboration and cooperation is essential, as is a variety of opinions. I think any who were afraid that Jeremy is some sort of Isitt "clone" can rest easy.

I think that rounds out my picks. I hope my thoughts have helped you make your own decisions.

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