Sunday, November 16, 2014

Voter Turnout in 2014 - still abysmal

Here is a table of the turnout ranked by best to worst in 2014

Municipality    2014 2011 2008
North Saanich   53.1 41.5 52.5
Sidney          43.0 31.0 36.5
Oak Bay         42.9 42.0 36.0
Sooke           41.5 41.9 40.1
Victoria        39.1 26.4 26.9
Metchosin       36.9 48.8 58.8
Saanich         36.2 25.4 21.0 
Central Saanich 36.1 32.4 33.4
Esquimalt       30.3 18.0 26.9
Highlands       30.1 ---  ???? - 2011 was an acclamation
View Royal      28.1 27.9 23.3
Colwood         25.5 26.8 27.0
Langford        19.0 14.0 22.9

Even with talk of a higher voter turnout, the numbers are not much better than in the past several elections.    In eight of 12 municipalities this year was the best turnout of the last three elections

The biggest absolute increases were in Saanich and Victoria but still they were barely more than one third.  Most people really were not engaged by the election.

We did see one municipality where voter turnout was over 50%, North Saanich.

In Esquimalt and North Saanich the large rise in turnout were caused because the mayors were no acclaimed.   

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