Thursday, January 22, 2015

CRD population figures from BC Stats

BC Stats releases annual population estimates for the province, here are the numbers for the Capital region

Area          2011   2014    increase %inc
Capital     367,632 372,463  +4,831   +1.31%
Saanich     111,981 110,767  -1,214   -1.08%
Victoria     82,259  83,200    +941   +1.14%
Langford     30,430  34,677  +4,247  +13.96%
Uninc Areas  25,173  25,480    +307   +1.22% (includes Gulf Islands)
Oak Bay      18,037  17,448    -589   -3.27%
Colwood      16,515  16,636    +121   +0.73%
Esquimalt    16,616  16,207    -409   -2.46%
Central Saan 16,022  15,794    -228   -1.42%
Sooke        11,684  12,257    +573   +4.90%
Sidney       11,197  11,153     -44   -0.39%
North Saan   11,109  10,941    -168   -1.51%
View Royal    9,558  10,714  +1,156  +12.09%
Metchosin     4,870   4,968     +98   +2.01%
Highlands     2,181   2,221     +40   +1.83%

What stands out is just how much faster View Royal and Langford are growing than the rest of the CRD.    These two municipalities had a growth of 5,403, which is more than the whole growth within the CRD.    In 2001 Langford's population was only marginally higher than Oak Bay's, now it is twice the population of Oak Bay.

The Peninsula had a net lost of 438 people over three years.   The peninsula has had static population since at least 2001.  In not much longer Langford is likely to pass the whole peninsula in population

In the core we have seen the largest drops in population in absolute terms and as a percentage.   Only Victoria grew in population.  In fact Victoria is the only core municipality add any significant population for more than decade.

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