Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017 Saanich By-election Financial Analysis

These are the figures for money raised and spent by each candidate in 2017 Saanich Council by-election.   Also included is how much was donated by unions, businesses and the candidate themselves.

All amounts rounded to the nearest dollar, candidates are in order of how they finished in the election.

NOTE:  The disclosure statements will still be altered so these are not the final numbers

Candidate          raised   spent   union business personal
Karen Harper      $33,477  $33,477     $0  $8,700  $9,829 (1)
Rebecca Merserau  $22,804  $22,804     $0  $1,500  $6,192 (2)
Nathalie Chambers $19,830  $19,830   $500      $0      $0 (3) 
Michael Geoghegan $15,550  $16,648 $1,500  $4,100      $0 (4) 
Ned Taylor         $1,895   $1,457     $0      $0    $180 (5)
Rob Wickson        $6,714   $5,877     $0  $1,050  $5,000
Shawn Newby        $1,450   $2,427     $0      $0  $1,000
Marsha Henderson     $873     $872     $0    $693      $0 (6)
Keith Davidoff       $112      $12     $0      $0      $0 (7)
Art Pollard          $360      $53     $0      $0    $100
TOTALS           $103,065 $103,457 $2,000 $16,093 $22,301

(1) $4,615 donated by Harbhajun Sall $3,000, donated by Mike Geric construction, $5,000 donated by a company controlled by Allen Vandekerkhove
(2) $10,200 donated by Naomi Devine $150 from Janet Mersereau
(3) $611 donated by David Chambers, $2,000 donated by Jennifer Whitfield, $200 donated by Sylvia Olsen, $3,000 donated by Ted Newman, $200 donated by former NDP MLA Gary Holman, $100 donated by Central Saanich Councilor Alicia Holman.  The return seems to be missing some details
(4) $100 donated by Irene Geoghegan, $1,500 donated by the Victoria Building Trades Council, $1,000 donated by Farmacy, $5,000 donated by Allen Vandekerkhove, $2,000 donated by Baked Edibles.  The return seems to be missing some details 
(5) $100 each from Matt Taylor and Daphne Taylor
(6) The return seems to be missing some details
(7) $100 donated by Ida Chong, the return seems to be missing some details

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