Friday, December 01, 2017

2017 Saanich By-Election

The by-election was held September 23rd 2017 to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Vic Derman

  1. Karen Harper      2,340
  2. Rebecca Merserau  2,238 (ran in 2014 coming 9th of 13)
  3. Nathalie Chambers 1,856
  4. Michael Geoghegan   863
  5. Ned Taylor          597
  6. Rob Wickson         577 (ran in 2011 coming 9th out of 12, and in 2008 9th of 11)
  7. Shawn Newby         465 (ran in 2014 coming 11th of 13)
  8. Marsha Henderson    344 (ran in 2014 coming 13th of 13)
  9. Keith Davidoff      163
  10. Art Pollard          83
Total vote 9,526 of 83,559 which is a turnout of 11.40%

Past Saanich Election Results

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