Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Looking at the last winner and first loser in Saanich, Victoria and Langford from the 1990s to 2018

On Vibrant Victoria Rob Randall took an interesting look at what it takes to win the 8th seat for Victoria council.  I thought I would look at this in some more detail to see what patterns might emerge

Election     8th place            9th place               Margin 
1993     Judy Brownoff   4,850  Leif Wergelund     4,750    100
1996     John Garrison   6,935  Irene Block        6,719    216
1999     John Garrison   8,261  Joan Barton        7,363    898
2002     Nicola Wade     7,546  John Garrison      6,354  1,192
2005     Vicki Sanders   6,805  Ian Graeme         6,444    361
2008     Paul Gerrard    8,474  Rob Wickson        6,970  1,504
2011     Nicola Wade     9,437  Rob Wickson        7,801  1,636
2014     Leif Wergelund 12,107  Rebecca Mersereau 12,077     30
2018     Karen Harper   11,713  Kathleen Burton   11,289    424
Two 9th place finishers were later elected and one incumbent came in 9th.

Election     6th place            7th place            Margin
1996     John Goudy       562   Dave Dalby        507     45    
1999     Heather Ashton 1,242   John Crook      1,171     71
2002     Matt Sahlstrom 1,930   John Crook      1,885     45
2005     Matt Sahlstrom 1,730   Ian Mckenzie    1,561    169
2008     Matt Sahlstrom 1,859   Steve Hurdle    1,419    440
2011     Roger Wade     1,640   Grant McLachlan 1,219    421
2014     Matt Sahlstrom 2,174   Jim Munro       1,328    846
2018     Roger Wade     2,948   Wendy Hobbs     2,712    236
Interesting in Langford that no 7th place finisher was either an incumbent or someone who later won an election.   For the last six elections, only two different guys have finished in 6th

Election     8th place             9th place               Margin
1990    Alastair Craighead 4,814  Howard Markson  4,517     297
1993    Jane Lunt          3,124  Bis Whitby      2,956     168
1996    Jane Lunt          3,662  Gene Miller     3,146     561
1999    Jane Lunt          4,809  Chris Coleman   4,736      73
2002    Bea Holland        6,090  David McLean    6,010      80
2005    Bea Holland        5,193  Chantal Brodeur 5,152      41
2008    John Luton         6,002  Rob Randall     3,737   2,265
2011    Chris Coleman      6,793  John Luton      6,343     350
2014    Chris Coleman      8,017  Erik Kaye       7,295     722
2018    Marianne Alto     10,245  Stephen Andrew  9,098   1,147
Chris Coleman and Jane Lunt are on this list three times.   Bea Holland and John Luton were on twice.  From 1993 to 2014 one of these four was always the 8th place finisher

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