Thursday, October 18, 2018

Saanich needs Susan Brice to be re-elected

There are a host of reasons why I support Susan Brice but today I only want to focus on one of them: her understanding of good governance.

In local government, Susan has been a school district trustee, school board chair, Oak Bay councillor and then mayor, MLA and cabinet minister and is now a Saanich councillor and CRD director.

She has also been the chair of the Greater Victoria Transit Commission, deputy chair of the BC Police Commission, and a director at the Victoria Airport Authority.

The reason for Susan's success in all these roles is that she understands the process of governance very well.   Few people have had a leadership role in so many different governance situations as she has had. In fact, I can not think of another person in this region that has the breadth and depth of governance knowledge and experience that Susan has.

Saanich needs one experienced member of council that understands how good governance works and can exemplify show a positive way to work together to achieve the best for Saanich.  From this election, Saanich will have at least four new councillors that will greatly benefit from having Susan being at the table to learn how to govern.  Without someone with Susan's experience, the next council risks being much less capable, making needless mistakes and thus being less effective and efficient than its potential.

I ask you to cast one of your votes in Saanich for Susan Brice.

Quickly, other reasons I support Susan:
  • She is kind and non-judgemental;
  • She is firm in her beliefs but does not push them on others;
  • She is a cheerful and approachable person;
  • She has a passion for a better world;
  • Her own ego is much less important to her than actually getting things done well;
  • She will happily mentor other elected officials even if they do not agree with her politically.

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