Monday, August 15, 2022

1974 and the CRD had a Housing Crisis: Interview with Les Passmore Reflecting on 33 years on Saanich Council and His Retirement

 From page 8 of the December 4th, 1974, Daily Colonist

Reality leaves big imprint

Still, after 33 years Passmore’s an idealist

by Lorraine Atherton

Les Passmore has watched Saanich grow in the last 40 years, and in spite of the municipality’s population explosion, burgeoning residential and commercial development and attendant sewer and servicing headaches, the change that disturbs him most is in “human nature”.

A picture containing text, old, posing

Description automatically generatedThe retiring alderman, finishing his 33rd year on council, is not on the best of terms with many Saanich homeowners.  He began an explanation of their differences with characteristic tongue-in-cheek hesitation.

“I don’t know if I should get into this and annoy a lot of people or not.” he said.

But judging from his grin, he doesn’t mind annoying anyone if he has a point to make.

The 76-year-old alderman was first elected to council. “In the hungry 30s.  Back then people would go out of their way to show compassion and sympathy for someone less well off – I wouldn’t say less well off, just someone who needed help.” he said.

In those days, people were glad to help new neighbors build homes, and some of the homes were “the ugliest things could think of.” Passmore said.  He remembered tent house (“If you were affluent you had a fly over the tent”) and half-houses, built with one side tar-papered so the house could be completed when money permitted.

But now residents complain about the municipality’s attempts to ease the housing shortage, he said, referring to he strenuous opposition of Saanich ratepayer groups to duplex and apartment developments.

Passmore describes the current attitude as “I’ve got mine and I’m satisfied, so why should I worry about anyone else?”

“In the last few months council has turned down more applications for duplexes than it’s approved and I think that’s a sad commentar.”

Three applications for duplexes were rejected at a public hearing presided over by Passmore in October.  He added to his notoriety among ratepayer groups by lashing out at chauvinistic single family dwellers during the meetings.

He just can’t understand why some people think duplexes ruin a neighborhood.

The housing shortage has become Passmore’s pet peeve.  In fact, not being able to help Saanich cope with the problem is his only regret in not running for another term.

“I know we have people living in slums, in illegal suites and attics, and Mayor Lum told me today of six families living in one house.” he said.

He credited the provincial and federal governments with trying to ease the shortage.  Adding “I’d hate to be on a municipal council that throws a monkey wrench into the process.”

According to Passmore, his clash with single-family dwellers is just part of his job.

“The alderman of today sometimes has to ignore public pressure and make what may be an unpopular decision for the good of the whole municipality.” he said.

That wasn’t always the case.  Passmore began his councila career when Saanich aldermen were elected by wards, but he later helped abolish that system. The ward system bred parochialism among councillors,  Passmore said, and he admitted “I was no exception.”

Another change that has complicated he alderman’s job is sewers.  “That was about 18 years ago.” Passmore said.  “Before that we just did our job from year to year.”

“Aldermen have to think ahead now.” he said, because a sewer system leads to subdivision, commercial development and more services to be provided by the municipality.

“Greater Victoria will eventually be one big metropolis.” Passmore predicted.  “This is such a delightful area you can’t stop people from coming here.  Anyone has as much right to come here as my family did 60 years ago.”

As the areas becomes more crowed, “municipal governments will get further from the people.” he added.  “Years ago I used to know everyone in the Gorge area, where I live.  Now I don’t know of my own neighbors.”

He misses the old-time community  politics. “In the 30s election meetings were rousing affairs.  The halls were filled. there was controversy and they stretched on to midnight.  There was no comparison to today’s meetings.  But then we didn’t have television in those days, to hold people at home.”

Although Passmore estimated that the actual percentage of voters turning out to Saanich polls hasn’t changed much, he is concerned about the lack of interest in local politics.  “Thirty-five years ago the average ratepayers knew more about the operations of the municipality than they do now.” he said.

Passmore was first elected to council in 1936, from the old Ward 7.

“I really don’t know how I got into municipal politics in the first place.” he said. “Times were hard and everybody thought he could do a better job than the sitting members.”  His youthful idealism has faded, he admitted, not with age, but with the realities of the Municipal Act.

His first term was won in surprise victory over incumbent Stanley Eden, another veteran public servant recently honored by council.

“I’ve often said to Eden, I can’t understand why voters charged him for me.  I didn’t do the job any better than he did.” Passmore said.

When his last term ends this month, Passmore plans to “concentrate on senior citizens’ activities.” He is on the bopard of directors for Victoria Silver Threads.

He isn’t sure his infatuation with municipal politics will continue after retirement, though.  “After two or three weeks I might not even give it a thought.” he said.  But he doubted he could ever become “one of those complacent individuals who doesn’t even bother to vote.”

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