Saturday, August 02, 2008

Cool Cities

This is from the Cool Cities website:

Capital Regional District, BC


Date of Adoption:

Primary Contact:
Dean Murdock

Why My City is Cool

The Capital Regional District (CRD) is the regional government for the 13 municipalities and three electoral areas that are located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. It is leading the way in planning for a sustainable energy future.

On February 13th 2008, the regional government unanimously adopted a community energy plan and the creation of a monitoring function to measure greenhouse gas reductions. The regional Climate Action Plan will cut greenhouse gas emissions 33% by 2020.

The plan targets action for improving energy efficiency in buildings, increasing transportation efficiency, encouraging energy efficient land use planning, diversifying energy supplies, educating residents and businesses, and showing local government leadership.

The Cool Capital Coalition has helped bring about such leadership in the region. They are:

  • Dean Murdock, Co-Chair, Sierra Club Victoria Group
  • Irwin Henderson, President, Island Transformations.Org
  • Ian Baker, Director, Values-based Business Network
  • Gerry Howell Jones, The Malahat Coalition
  • Susan Draper, Victoria Interfaith Committee for Global Justice (KAIROS) and the Multifaith Initiative for Justice and Peace (KAIROS)
  • Rev. Kenneth Gray, Environmental Committee, Anglican Diocese of British Columbia
  • Charley Beresford, Trustee, Greater Victoria School District
  • Judy Gaylord, First Unitarian Church of Victoria
  • Naomi Devine, Co-Founder, Common Energy
  • Dan Pollock,
  • Jim McIsaac, Director Sustainability, T.Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation
  • Mary Carlisle, Stop Global Warming Victoria
  • Capital Unitarian Universalist Congregation
  • Dorothy Clippingdale, Greater Victoria Water Watch Coalition and Council of Canadians Victoria Chapter
  • Joe Richardson, Colwood Smart Growth Association
  • Ian Gartshore, Energy Solutions for Vancouver Island
  • Christian Engelstoft, Central Saanich Energy Committee
  • Sheila Hanna, Outreach Committee of First Metropolitan United Church
  • Caspar Davis, Victoria Branch of the World Federalist Movement
  • Smart Growth BC
  • BC Government and Service Employees’ Union

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