Saturday, August 02, 2008

Dean Murdoch Running for Saanich Council

The T-C had a small article on page A-5 of the August 2nd's edition of the paper saying he is running for Saanich council.

He has a moderate website up. Though it would be nice if he detailed what he would want to do on council. My concern with him is that he may want to tackle issues that are not really in the bailiwick of local government. He seems to have been involved with location issues long enough to get a feeling of what is involved.

The information about him is that he is 27 - on the young side for a first time serious run at council (I assume he is making a real attempt unless I hear otherwise).

He is Chair of the local Sierra Club.

He is vice president of the Quadra-Hillside Community Association.

He is vice president of the Saanich Greenbelt Association, but that is a group I have never heard of and I can find very little about it online.

Clearly a big thing for him has been climate change and he has been active on the issue locally - I have heard of him in this context.

The article says that better transit, affordable housing and environmental protection are his priorities.

This is taken from his bio at the Sierra Club

Dean Murdock, Group Chair and Transit Campaign Coordinator: "I have lived in the capital region for more than fifteen years. I became interested in urban growth and transportation issues when the Regional Growth Strategy was still in its embryonic stage. I have served as the Co-Chair of the Saanich Community Association Network (SCAN), a community representative on the Saanich Environmental and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committees, and Vice-President of the Saanich Greenbelt Association and Quadra-Cedar Hill Community Association.

I presume that he will put in the energy to make a real run, but given the lack of name recognition, I give very long odds of getting elected. He could get a tiny bit of name recognition from having the same last name as Alastair Murdoch that ran for Saanich Council in 2005.

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