Monday, February 09, 2009

MetroCascade - Victoria Blog Aggregator - Some thoughts about new media locally

MetroCascade is a way for you to check out what is happening with a number of blogs in the Victoria area, though I wonder about their content choices as they are including some of my stuff, go figure.

I am also trying out this Twitter thing - I am on there as bern99. The mother of my first three boys, Catherine Novak is the current Victoria Twitter Queen. She can tell you more than you want to know about new media communications and marketing.

I use Facebook, but do not use My Space or Linkln. I am not sure the social networking sites are as great as they could be. Or as useful.

One site that still kicks ass on almost all new media is the Vibrant Victoria discussion forum. It is the best place I have come across about for discussion about the future of this city.

Finally, I have recently discovered Google Calendar and I am in love with how it works. We have calendars for Sheila, myself, the house, Daniel, Ben and 3rd Douglas Scouts. The boys share their calendars with their mother. I also managed to sync it with my iPhone, now to get on the other phones in the family


  1. Anonymous4:55 pm

    It's always nice to have a reference to yourself on someone else's blog. Thanks! People can see my thoughts on social media at Always happy to talk to people in and around Victoria!

  2. Google has some great products. I use the Sites feature all the time when I'm collaboratively planning with others.
    I do not understand the value of Twitter so I am interested in hearing about the various contexts where it can be useful.

  3. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Hi Bernard, thanks for writing about MetroCascade - and hey, we're not gatekeepers, so we're not going to wag our fingers at anyone's blogging! :-) If you check our "About Us" page, you'll get an idea of what we're trying to do, and also check our "company blog" too.

    You're right that the VV forum is the best source right now in Victoria for ongoing conversation - too bad the forum software doesn't come with an RSS feed, because then we could include links to it on MetroCascade and send more readers over there.

    I might actually start blogging on the VV blog, just to point to highlights/ active threads of the day or of the week, to drive traffic (eyeballs) to those forum threads. Plus, if I did that, then MetroCascade could pick up the VV blog's RSS and ...well, you get the picture.

    Twitter is great. I haven't been on it for the last few days, but I use Twitter to get my mainstream news (I follow several newspapers), and I have a bunch of "thought leaders" I admire and follow, who in turn provide me with more than enough reading material via all the links they tweet. It's really a microblogging platform - and to make the best use of it, you need some sort of widget or browser add-on that allows you to post from your browser to Twitter, using either a tinyurl or bitly or some similar url shortener (otherwise your 140 character limit is quickly exhausted).

    I'm still looking for the perfect app to manage my Twitter account - I'm not fond of Tweetdeck and plan to try Twhirl, which has had upgrades to make it better. I really appreciate being able to group my local Tweeples so that I can keep up with what they're doing, recommending, viewing, going to see, meeting up, etc.

    Best regards,
