Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Public Art

There is a new website out there called Landmarks: Public Art in the Capital Region.

At the moment it only covers Saanich, Victoria and Esquimalt, but it has a good interface for searching, has pictures of all the works and a lot of details about the work.

A search shows 68 works in Victoria, 18 in Saanich and only 4 in Esquimalt. I did not see any works from UVic or Camuson - I know there are works at both. There was also nothing from CFB Esquimalt, though I have no idea if there is anything on the base.

Here is an example of what is in the page about an artwork.

stone poem for Rutledge by Tina Farmilo

stone poem for Rutledge by Tina Farmilo


Artwork TypeWater Feature
MediumGranite stones sandblasted with poetic inscriptions
Unveiled dateJanuary, 2006
Reference # 10
Site Rutledge Park, Intersection of Cloverdale and Inverness. Victoria BC
Art Category Civic Public Art
Selection Process Civic: By Jury - Open Competition
Municipality/Neighbourhood Saanich: Core


Artwork Description Eight granite stones placed in various locations within Rutledge Park. Each contains a word poem inscribed and sandblasted into the surface. Sizes and shapes vary.

About Tina Farmilo

Dates Canadian
Artist Bio Tina Farmilo is an interdisciplinary artist who's work is rooted in issues of community, place and history. Tina loves storytelling of every kind, and has a career as an artist, writer, educator and community animateur.
Artist Resume Interdisciplinary Studies, Emily Carr College of Art & Design, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1983

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