Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We Need to Change the Voting System in BC!

EVENT: STV action meeting for everyone
WHEN: Wed. Feb. 11th, 7 pm
WHERE: Rm A207 Clearihue Bldg., U. Vic.

I have been setting up Action Teams, as some of you are aware, and now I'm providing an opportunity for everyone interested in promoting STV to join an Action Team.

Teams will perfom such actions as writing articles and letters, organizing events, campaigning door-to-door, distributing literature at events, putting up lawn signs, phoning, etc (see attachment). At this meeting, there will be tables where you can sign up for whatever it is you would like to do. Most actions already have a core group; this is an attempt to expand the teams and ensure that any one who wants to can join in.

The Agenda: I will give a brief (15-20 min) presentation about the different actions so that you have an idea what is to be done. You can then move to any of the action tables and sign up. The meeting is not expected to be more than about an hour long (unless you wish to do some planning while you are together).

This meeting will give you an opportunity to meet others on the team, discuss strategy, and how you will go about your actions. I will be looking for a volunteer contact-person from each team. I do not intend to micro-manage each activity, but will be available to help any team requesting assistance, or will provide someone else if I can't be of help myself. My job will be to see that the teams are working as desired and report progress to the Fair Voting BC Victoria Branch Executive.

Please attend this meeting if at all possible if you wish to help promote STV in the Capital Regional District. If you are unable to attend but wish to help, please send an e-mail to me at philmar@islandnet.com or call me at 250 592-6484 (I can be difficult to reach, but mornings are best) and tell me what activity you are interested in (see attached list of actions) if you haven't already done so. I will then put you in touch with the appropriate contact person.

There will be training sessions for people needing to know how to promote STV--and that's probably all of us! Stay tuned to learn about more about training sessions!

Let's get going!

Philip Symons
Regional Organizer for the Capital Regional District/South Island

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