Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Saanich residents deserve neighbourhood sidewalks: Murdock

All you other candidates out there, send me you press releases and I will post them - here is one from Dean Murdock

Good morning,
Please find the attached media release for your consideration.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Dean Murdock
Saanich Councillor
Candidate for re-election to Saanich Council & CRD Board
For Immediate Release
November 1, 2011
Saanich residents deserve neighbourhood sidewalks: Murdock
Victoria – Saanich Councillor Dean Murdock thinks your neighbourhood needs a sidewalk.
Announcing his mobility plan today, Murdock said quality sidewalks and bike lanes are a priority for most of the Saanich residents he’s met on the doorstep.
“In almost every neighbourhood, in every part of Saanich, people tell me they are concerned about the safety of their kids and elderly parents,” Murdock said. “Walking in the gravel next to a busy road isn’t just intimidating, it’s dangerous. People deserve to feel safe when they’re walking in their own neighbourhoods.”
To address Saanich’s sidewalk deficit, he proposes a 10-year plan to re-invest in sidewalk restoration and installation in priority areas.
“There are a lot of crumbling sidewalks in Saanich, and even more gravel paths where a sidewalk belongs,” Murdock said. “We’ll work with community associations to identify priority improvement areas.”
“Investing in sidewalks and bike lanes is more than investing in concrete and asphalt,” Murdock added. “It’s an investment in a healthier community, climate protection, the environment, safety, and mobility.”
The plan will use development cost charges, provincial and federal infrastructure grants, and the municipal infrastructure improvement fund to upgrade sidewalks and bike lanes over 10 years.
The first-term Councillor is seeking re-election to Saanich Council and a seat on the CRD Board.
Municipal elections are November 19.
Media Contact:
Dean Murdock -- Phone: 250.889.0242; Email: dean.murdock@telus.net
Attachment: Murdock’s 10-year Mobility Plan for Saanich

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