Thursday, November 03, 2011

The view from Oak Bay

I asked Corey Burger to tell me what his thoughts are on the campaign so far.  Yes, I know he is a candidate, but he normally can articulate the lay of the land fairly.  Here is what he sent me:


Here are some of my collected thoughts on the campaign so far,
accepting that we haven't had an all candidates meeting, so some of
the pressing issues likely haven't come forward yet.

There is a lot of appetite for new planning, whether that be a new
Official Community Plan, or something else. A lot of people have seen
issues in the past three years that could have benefited from that.
Secondary Suites and heritage housing are just two of the bigger
pieces of that.

Not a lot of people are aware of the new Active Transportation Plan,
but most of the people I talk to are very interested in it, and most
tell me stories about their pet peeves and changes they would like to
see. Most people aren't aware that the Community Initiatives
Committee, which I sit on, is even discussing the issue right now.

Other major issues I keep hearing relate to Oak Bay Lodge, and sewage
in general, be it the Uplands Sewage Separation project or the overall
CRD Sewage Treatment plant. People are asking me where those projects
currently are, and I have to tell them that I am uncertain, as the
communication around both hasn't been great.

There are two All Candidates Debates coming up, one on Friday at
Monterey Centre, and the second this coming Tuesday at Emmanneul
Baptist Church. Both are being held from 7-9pm, with doors opening at



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