Monday, October 01, 2012

Donald Galloway will be the Green candidate

There is a statement up on the website for Trevor Moat explaining what happened on Saturday.   The vote was a tie on Saturday and he won based on a coin toss.  He has now decided to step down in favour of Donald Galloway.

The text of the release from Trevor Moat:


2012 October 01

I am most grateful for the confidence shown in me by the membership of the Green Party of Canada in Victoria.

Although I was declared the winning candidate in the race, I did not receive the majority of the vote at the nomination meeting as I had sought. After my acceptance speech I was notified that the vote had been split exactly 50/50 between Donald Galloway and me, and that the decision in favour of my nomination had been reached by coin toss, in accordance with the rules to which we had both subscribed.  I requested time to reflect on this unprecedented and unanticipated result to determine what would be best for the Green Party, and for me, in light of learning that my nomination was not based on a numerical majority.

I stated in the first words of my nomination speech that I entered the race with the sole intention of seeing a Green Party candidate from Victoria elected to the House of Commons in this by-election. To that end I remain fully committed.

I have reached the conclusion that Donald Galloway is best-positioned to win this important contest. He has earned my full support in reaching that objective from this point forward.

Donald Galloway has a fully established team of volunteers in-place; he has been an advisor to the Green Party of Canada for some time and is well-acquainted with the organization and with the workings of government; he is endorsed by many leading names in academic circles and in the environmental movement; he’s well-known nationally as an expert in immigration and human rights law.

I share Donald’s passionate commitment to defeat the present federal government and to change the way in which our governments are elected. I urge all members who voted for me in the recent Nomination Meeting – and the people of Victoria generally – to galvanize their support with mine behind Donald Galloway’s campaign. A Green Party sign is posted proudly in our front yard.

I have signed up at  to offer my assistance to win this very important race for Victoria, and for Canada. I urge you to do the same. The opportunity has never been better – nor more vital – to Turn Victoria Green.

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  1. Wow, kind of Mickey Mouse if you ask me. If he did not consider himself the best candidate why did he not withdraw before the vote?

  2. Trevor Moat here shows considerable integrity, putting the good of the Party ahead of any personal ambitions he might have. And that's very impressive (and not at all "Mickey Mouse" as another here has suggested). Moat acknowledged the good work his nomination opponent has done for the Party, and the skills/resources he brings to the by-election. Upon discovering that he did not, in fact, receive a majority of the vote of the Members, he took some time to reflect on the circumstance, and came to this conclusion, which I'm sure was difficult for him to make.

    I don't know Trevor, have never met him before or anything like that. But after reading this, I know that he's a person of integrity and quality, and an asset to the Green Party in Victoria.
