Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Higher BC Ferry Fares - what do the prices look like?

If BC Ferries applies the full increases they are allowed what would fares look like from Swartz Bay?  The possible increases are 4.1% on April 1 2013, 4% on April 1 2014 and 3.9% on April 1 2015.

Fare      Current  Apr 1 2013 Apr 1 2014 Apr 1 2015 Apr 2008
To Tsawwassen
Adult       $14.85    $15.45     $16.05    $16.70    $13.00
Child        $7.45     $7.75      $8.05     $8.40     $6.50
Car         $49.25    $51.25     $53.30    $55.40    $43.00
Family of 4 $93.85    $97.65    $101.50   $105.60    $82.00
To Fulford Harbour
Adult       $10.90    $11.35     $11.80    $12.25     $8.70
Car         $32.25    $33.55     $34.90    $36.25    $24.85
To other Gulf Islands
Adult       $11.45    $11.90     $12.40    $12.90     $9.00
Car         $36.25    $37.75     $39.25    $40.75    $27.75

The increases are above the current rate of inflation in Canada including projections out to 2015.   The total increase is 12.5% over the three years.  I have also listed the fares as they were five years ago, the 2008 fares are off peak fares which show us we had about a 14.2% over five years or an average of 2.7% per year which is in line with inflation.   From April 1 2008 to April 1 2015 it looks like we will see close to a 29% increase.

I do not think the increased fares will improve traffic levels on the ferries and I have no idea what this means for the finances of BC Ferries.

For comparison, the current fares on the Coho to Port Angles cost $17.00 for an adult and $44.50 for the car.  

The current fare for the Washington State ferry from Sidney to Anacortes is $18.00 for an adult and $29.90 for the car.  They have a different youth fare structure, $14.45 for ages 6-18.  They also offer a discount for short vehicles

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