Thursday, January 17, 2013

This Sunday 4th Annual Gorge-Tillicum Urban Farmers Seedy Sunday

Seed sharing is a way to get a few interesting varieties of seeds for plants that come from people locally.   Getting your seeds locally should mean a plant better suited to our local growing conditions.

Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:07 AM
Subject: [GTUF] 4th Annual GTUF Seedy Sunday Jan 20th!
To: Gorge-Tillicum-Urban-Farmers

Hello and Happy New Years GTUFers,

Our fourth annual Seedy Sunday Sharing Event is next Sunday January 20th  at our usual location of Saanich Neighbourhood Place in Pearkes Recreation Centre. Turn left as you walk into Pearkes, and then go to the end of the corridor. Schedule:

2:30 - 2:45pm – People with seeds to share come 15 minutes early to help set up tables and put their seeds out.

2:45 - 3:30pm – Seed Sharing  

3:30 - 4:00pm – Growers answer questions about their seeds (varieties, planting suggestions, etc.)

4:00 - 4:15pm – Break - Potluck of snacks

4:15 - 5:00pm – Discuss what to do now for your food garden at home – Facilitator: Kate Rubin


For any of you who have attended the Seedy Saturday Event at the Conference Centre in years past - this event is different in that you are NOT required to bring seeds before you can take seeds (we want this open to new gardeners and seed-savers) - but please take only what you will likely need for your own household purposes.

If you are bringing seeds - you can bring them in bulk, or if you have time, packaged.  

In either case please make sure the seed is labeled - either on the packet or on something like an index card in front of the seeds you are sharing - with the following 4 points:

- Your name (so people can ask you their questions about the seed)

- The type of seed and variety if known 

- Date of harvest of seed if known (or date written on the package for expiry date)

- Any outstanding characteristics which you think could be useful to mention

Remember to check your old packets from commercial growers to see if you have excess to share.  Small bedding plants which you might be prepared to share are also welcome.

If you are not bringing seed, if possible we ask that you please bring your own containers or bags. Thanks!
We also ask that everyone takes home anything that is not taken.

 And as is the case at every meeting:

Feel free to bring seedlings or plants that you'd like to give away Please remember to take home with you any items others don't want. 
If you're willing to do so, please come a few minutes earlier to help us set up the space and stay a few minutes after to return the room to its original state and to clean up.
We invite anyone to contribute a snack item for us to eat during our break -- preferably a finger food.  If your item requires it, please also bring napkins or cups.  As per SNP policy, food and drink is to be consumed only at the tables.
We'll also ask for a donation (suggested $5) for SNP to cover our use of their space. We also will have a donation box for our Seed Bank costs.
Notes will be taken during the meeting if someone volunteers to do it. You are welcome to invite people who are not GTUF members to our meetings.
If you think you might buy a GTUF signs for display in your garden / on your home please bring a few dollars with you – either this time or another time.
Thanks to Tom’s efforts, we have a GTUF library that he brings to our meetings.  Feel free to borrow a book – or donate or lend a book to the library.
 We look forward to seeing you there!

 Kate, Brenda, and Julie (Seedy Sunday organizers)

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