Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Victoria Radio Station Ratings from Spring 2009 to Fall 2012

The most surprising result lately has been the dramatic drop in CFAX this fall - is this because of new hockey or because the on-air programs have been so week.

Here is the table of results - the number indicates how many people aged 12 or older listened to the station during the week.

Time       CBC 1    CFAX   Kool Fm Jack FM Ocean  The Zone The Q
Period      90.5  1070 AM  107.1    103.1   100.3   91.3    98.5
Spr  2009  62,700  72,200  57,900  32,300  58,500  49,900  61,200
Fall 2009  65,100  75,900  62,200  37,800  54,700  44,600  63,600 
Spr  2010  60,800  66,600  60,200  43,900  58,600  44,700  64,900
Fall 2010  58,400  70,800  69,300  33,600  52,800  42,100  63,600
Spr  2011  62,900  66,900  72,200  32,500  61,500  40,100  66,300
Fall 2011  63,900  62,800  76,200  35,200  52,800  45,000  66,400
Spr  2012  57,300  72,300  82,800  36,500  51,800  51,100  71,800  
Fall 2012  66,100  55,800  69,300  38,700  55,900  50,400  70,700

Data comes from BBM

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