Friday, October 31, 2014

A Question for all Sooke Candidates

Paul Holmes is a good friend of mine and lives in Sooke, here is one question for all the people running for election in Sooke:

My question to all ‪#‎Sooke‬ candidates in the upcoming election...
Each day 400 students go to Poirier School. Bordering on this is the Woodland Creek development. In their planning for the approach to the school along Arranwood, the developer has used the standard road width, allowing for only one sidewalk, effectively forcing dozens of children to unnecessarily cross the busy street twice each day.
In our view, this is not only poor planning, but is also an accident waiting to happen.
In the interests of children's safety, will you commit to working with the Woodland Creek developer, and/or provide the appropriate funding and by-law changes to ensure a sidewalk is built along the side of Arranwood from Caffery to Poirier School?
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