Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Power of Incumbency in Victoria and Saanich

The electoral system we use for our local elections give incumbents a huge advantage.   This table looks at how many incumbents councilors ran in Victoria and Saanich and how many of them were re-elected.  

Election year        2011 2008 2005 2002 1999 1996 1993 1990 Total
Vic Inc running        8*   5    6    6    6    6    4    3   44
Vic Inc re-elected     5    5    6    5    5    6    4    3   39   
Vic Inc defeated       3    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    5
Vic New elected        3    3    2*   3*   3    2    4    5   25*
Saanich Inc running    7    6    5    7*   7    5    7    *   44
Saanich Inc re-elected 7    6    5    6    6    4    6    *   40
Saanich Inc defeated   0    0    0    1    1    1    1    *    4
Saanich New elected    1*   2    3    2    2    4    2    *   16*

  • In 2011 one of the Victoria incumbents was Marianne Alto who was elected in a 2010 by-election
  • In 2011 one of the new people elected in Saanich was former councilor Nicola Wade
  • In 2005 one of the new people elected in Victoria was former councilor Geoff Young
  • In 2002 one of the new people elected in Victoria was Chris Coleman, an incumbent that had been defeated in 1999
  • In 2002 one of the incumbents Saanich incumbents was Nichola Wade who had been elected in a 2001 by-election and re-elected in 2002 and 2005
  • In the total of new people elected for Victoria it is 25 candidates but only 23 individuals.  For Saanich it is 16 candidates and 15 individuals
  • Victoria incumbents have managed a 88.6% re-election rate, in Saanich it is 90.9%
  • Over eight elections Victoria has averaged 3.8 new councilors per election
  • Over seven elections Saanich has averaged 2.1 new councilors per election
If we count councilors successfully running for mayor in Victoria we have Bob Cross in 1993, Alan Lowe in 1999 and Dean Fortin in 2008.  In the 1990s a number of sitting councilors ran for mayor and lost, two in 1999, one in 1995, one in 1993 and two in 1990.  

The last person to be elected mayor of Victoria and not had never been a councilor was David Turner in 1990.  Before that it was  Courtney Haddock in 1969.

In Saanich the current mayor was a sitting councilor when he ran in 1996 as was his competitor.

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