Tuesday, October 16, 2018

In Central Saanich I support Carl Jensen and Niall Paltiel

Carl Jensen is not only a genuinely nice guy on every level, but he is also smart open-minded and makes well thought out decisions even when he knows there will be people unhappy with the decision.   He also brings a very keen understanding of finances, every council needs at least one person like this and frankly, both Victoria and Saanich would hugely benefit if he were on those councils.

I have trouble thinking of any more effective young councillors than Niall, not only at the moment but ever in my life.   He is proof of something I have thought for a long time, being an effective councillor is much more about the character of the person than what they have done with their life.   In some ways I think people who have risen high in the public sector or business are often unwilling to accept there is a major learning curve when it comes to being on a local government.  Niall knows he is young and because of that put more energy into understanding good local governance.

Many young people that are elected as councillors come with unrealistic visions of what can be done and quickly burn out.   Niall is not that sort of person. 

Central Saanich benefits from having both these men on the council, please vote for them.

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