Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Why I am only voting for Ryan Painter for the Greater Victoria School District

In general, I think school boards are a joke and would love it if the province were to simply abolish them and put all schools directly under the ministry.   I have trouble being interested in the race let alone be excited.  But Ryan Painter is different.

I am voting for Ryan for a number of reasons:
1) He has the right skills and abilities to be a good elected official.   I wish he were running for a council seat because being on the school board will not make use of what he is capable of. 

2) The single most important issue why I do want him elected to the school board is because he will make mental health a major focus.   At the moment our schools utterly fail youth when it comes to anything to do with mental health and I would argue foster a negative environment that causes mental health issues to be worse.

I have known since about 2002 that the public school system is not only incapable of dealing with mental health issues but in fact goes out of its way marginalize youth with mental health issues.   I will not go into the details for a host of reasons, all I will say is that the public school system has made things worse and their only argument is "we do not have the money".   So the kids with mental health issues effectively get kicked out of the public schools.   That is intolerable.

I am convinced Ryan will be the person that will actually do something about this.   He is the only person that has done anything to earn my vote.

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