Thursday, January 28, 2010

CRD Public Workshop on Regional Growth Strategy - Feb 4th

It is very nice that the CRD is doing this, I just wish that they had given as all a bit more warning. The date is only one week away, hardly a reasonable lead time. Also, there is only one session. I suspect they will get a low turn out and not get a lot of functional public input into the process from it.

Media Release

For Immediate Release
January 25, 2010
CRD Hosts Regional Growth Strategy Public Workshop February 4

Victoria, BC – The Capital Regional District is holding a public workshop session on the five year review of the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) on February 4, 2010. The session will help the CRD set future direction and priorities for the RGS, which will transition to the Regional Sustainability Strategy (RSS).

Residents are invited to attend and give input at this interactive event; a presentation by MetroQuest will show real time implications of current decisions on the future of the region. Using MetroQuest’s planning tool, residents will have the chance to “vote” on options for managing regional issues such as transportation, housing, and future growth locations. The open house will also present an opportunity to learn about Regional Planning
projects and speak to staff.

This initial RGS public workshop session is taking place on February 4, 2010.

Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010
Place: Laurel Point Inn, 680 Montreal Street
Time: Doors Open: 5:30 pm
Open House: 6 – 7 pm
MetroQuest Presentation: 7 pm

The current RGS was adopted in 2003 and operates as a strategic planning document that promotes long term liveability and addresses issues such as transportation, population growth and settlement patterns in the region. The new Regional Sustainability Strategy is scheduled for completion by Fall 2011.

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For further information please contact:
Sheila Taylor, Manager, Community Relations
Corporate Communications, CRD
Cell: 250.216.4427
Tel: 250.360.3308

There is a discussion going on at Vibrant Victoria about the issue.

The CRD page on Regional Growth Management has the background on where the process is at and where it is headed.

Important documents to read:
I will be there, I think I might bring along the youth from the 3rd Douglas Sea Scouts and Sea Venturers. It would be a good exercise for them to learn about how the future of their city is decided.

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