Friday, April 08, 2011

City of Victoria Draft Official Community Plan

The City has released the draft of the Official Community Plan, a copy of which you can find on the City website.   There will be a chance to offer input on the OCP till June 10th.

You can offer input on the plan online and you attend one of the information sessions on the OCP

Dates of OCP Open Houses

  • April 28th 5 pm to 8 pm 800 Yates Street - the new Atrium building
  • May 7th 10 am to 2 pm Vic West Community Centre
  • May 14th 10 am to 2 pm Fairfield Community Centre
  • May 26th  - youth oriented event location and time tba
  • May 31st 6pm to 9 pm Oaklands Community Centre

I am tempted to host a meeting of interested people and look in detail at the OCP, if I do, I will let everyone know.

I will be looking through the OCP over the weekend see what I come away with, but at first glance I am not really impressed.   I see some focus on very specific details that really do not need any mention but at the same time there is no detail on how many of the broad statements could be achieved.

As an example of detail needed, the OCP suggests we will need to house another 20,000 people in the City of Victoria over the next 30 years but at the same time the limits of existing zoning has more or less been reached in this city, there is not that much space for a lot more housing within existing zoning we have.   The OCP talks about 10,000 more people in the urban core and 10,000 in the rest of the City.

I will go into detail on the whole OCP on Monday.

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