Sunday, May 16, 2010

Esquimalt High Track and Tennis Courts

I find it rather depressing to see the state of the track at Esquimalt High

This view does not really show how bad it is.  If you look from the parking lot near the portables, you can see it is basically falling apart.

There are also a set of tennis courts on the grounds, but they have weeds growing through the pavement.   

It is a said statement on the way SD #61 is run that this infrastructure has been allowed to decay to the point of where it is not realistic to repair it.    Why is there no one on staff at the district office who has the job to secure capital funding for projects like repairing the track and tennis courts?   Why is there no active fundraising by SD#61 in the same way that UVic fundraises?   Why is there no serious attempt to access foundation money for the schools?   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At one point, there were nets for the tennis court, but they were often vandalised to the point where they were damaged as hell's fire. This was a few years ago when I was still an elementary schooler. As for the track, its design was already screwed up; it doesn't even have 8 complete lanes and instead have 1 or 2 lanes that end up being dead-ends or having a few potholes.

From what I see, most of the student body don't really care for a decent repair of it. It's only those that are involved in track & field and tennis that are interested, which happens to be not the majority or voices that are strong.