The street:
- is only 900 meters long, for 500 meters of that we have a sidewalk
- has 59 houses on Orillia
- most of the houses were constructed between 1920 and 1940 but a number of them have been demolished to make way for much, much larger houses
- the oldest house is from 1890
- has Tillicum elementary school on it
- has one book box
- there is no pedestrian light to get over Burnside even though the bus stop is at the corner of Burnside and Orillia. There is no light either at Gorge and Orillia even though the main park in the area is across the Gorge from Orillia and the sidewalk on Orillia makes it a street people use to get to the Gorge park
- there is no crosswalk at Orillia and Obed. People have tried to paint one in since the crosswalk on Orillia and the one on Obed do not connect
- Orillia is a short walk from shopping at Tillicum Mall and at the shopping centre at Gorge and Tillicum. Pearkes Rec Centre and the Saanich Centennial Library are also a short walk away

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