Thursday, May 27, 2010

Community Forum on the Sayward road/Hwy #17 intersection

I got this email from Lana Popham, MLA for Saanich South.   For a long time I have thought this intersection and the one at Haliburton, need to be replaced.  My intention is to go to this community forum.

Dear Friend,
Are you concerned about the intersection at Pat Bay Highway and Sayward Road?
Did you know that for over two decades it’s been one of the most dangerous intersections in all of British Columbia?
Please join me for a community forum about this intersection and highway safety.
Tuesday, June 15, 7-8:30pm
Cordova Bay Elementary School, 5238 Cordova Bay Road.
I'll be introducing three speakers who are well-versed in the possible solutions:

  • Judy Brownoff, Saanich Councillor and Council Liaison to the Ministry of Transportation;
  • Wayne Christmas, Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs; and
  • Patrick Livolsi, Regional Director, South Coast Region, Ministry of Transportation

There will be lots of time for community engagement and refreshments will be served.
Please share this with anyone you know who might be interested!
Thank you,

Lana Popham
MLA, Saanich South
4085 Quadra Street

1 comment:

Mike Laplante said...

What is the deal with that intersection? In over thirty years, I've driven past it and never had an issue with it. Nobody I know and asked has ever had any problems with it either.
Similarly, the new airport interchange being built was a mystery to me and many of my friends. Again, we never had issues with getting on and off the highway, whether there was ferry traffic or not.